Whiteparish Garden Club


The Garden Club meets at 7.30pm every 4th Thursday of the month in the Village Hall (Melchett Hall), unless otherwise stated, except for December. Annual subscription in 2003 is ,7. The cost for visitors is ,1 for meetings, although different charges apply for visits and events. Refreshments of tea or coffee and biscuits are provided free of charge at normal meetings. Club members benefit from a 10% discount at Courtens Garden Centre in the village and discounted seed/bulb orders.


The Club tries to organise a varied and interesting programme, including an outing, barbecue, pumpkin competition and a quiz evening. In June we have a plant stall at Whiteparish Fete and would be very grateful for any plants you can spare. There will also be a repeat of the very successful Open Gardens Day for charity this year.


Programme for 2003


23/01/03 Floral Kingdom of South Africa - Mr J Love

27/02/03 Longstock Water Gardens (A talk)

27/03/03 Herbaceous Plants - Christopher Brill

24/04/03 Fascination of Herbs - Anne Martin

22/05/03 Visit to Longstock Water Gardens -

Meet there at 6pm - Members ,2, Non-members ,4

07/06/03 Whiteparish Fête - Plant Stall

Donations of plants for sale gratefully accepted on the day

14/06/03 Open Gardens Day (Details nearer the time)

24/07/03 Barbecue at Old Nursery House (Langdon and Dawn Nichols), Romsey Road

6.30pm - Members ,2, Non-members ,3

23/08/03 Flower and Hobbies Show at the Village Hall

Classes to be announced later

25/09/03 Delphiniums - Mark Lyman

23/10/03 Pumpkin Competition followed by Annual Quiz at the Village Hall for which we will be joined by members of Landford and Sherfield English Garden Clubs

27/11/03 AGM followed by a talk on "Mottisfont Roses"

No Meeting in December

22/01/04 Gardens of China - Mr Richard Thornton


Chairman: David Tullis - Tel 01794 884471
Secretary: Ilona Hocking - Tel 01794 884665


Everyone is welcome; we look forward to seeing you.



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