Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting & Parish Council Meeting in the Village Hall on 2nd March 2000

Annual Parish Meeting

A number of residents attended, asking questions about the Biffa waste site and waste disposal generally. A liaison meeting with Biffa has been arranged. The Whiteparish Preservation Group are also holding a meeting to update villagers on the proposed waste facility.

The state of the grass verge in Brickworth Road was brought to the attention of the PC. Because of lack of maintenance by WCC, the road now floods at Fullers Hill more frequently.

There are two dead trees, an elm and a fir which need felling.

The provision of a skateboard area was requested; it was suggested this was brought up at the meeting on April 13th.

A member of the Memorial Ground Trust clarified the contents of a letter sent to user groups of the MG, asking them to ensure they were fully insured for any events they wished to hold. He emphasised they were not being prevented from using the resource.

Following an article in the Salisbury Jourmal, the venue of the annual fireworks display was discussed. It was suggested the School PTA liaised with other groups to spread the organizational load, with the proceeds going to the School.

A letter published in the Salisbury Jourmal criticizing the MG committe and PC was condemned as being inaccurate and ill-informed.


Nick Cowen, our Rights of Way Warden for the last 10 years spoke at this meeting. He is employed by the Highways Authority to liaise with landowners and clear obstructions. The whole area is being surveyed and a works programme instigated using a definitive 6" to the mile map with all footpath numbers. Our village, one of the larger but with few bridlepaths was surveyed 4 years ago. The Burnbake Trust are the contractors carrying out the clearance and re-instatement where needed. All work has to be undertaken with the same budget as ten years ago - £21,000pa. Problems include annual growth, flytipping, 4x4 vehicles churning up paths, and paths simply not being used enough. Walkers abuse rights by leaving gates open, dropping litter and allowing dogs to stray off the designated path. Farmers block or allow crop to grow across paths. Eradication of surface growth is the responsibility of the Highways Authority, but they don't have the funds to undertake this work. The PC has the power to effect clearance, erect benches and kissing gates, and waymark paths. Nick answered questions from parishoners.

Village Hall

The funds left over from the grant given by SDC to decorate the exterior of the Village Hall can be used for improving the interior.

Graffiti - Vandals have sprayed black paint either side of the entrance to the Hall.


Police: Is there a future of the Consultative Committee? What value is it to Whiteparish? These are the questions posed by our representative, who believes we are better off talking to our local police.

Crime is down in the Alderbury area; the public are not satisfied with the speed of response.

The Police want Neighbourhood Watch to combine with the Parish Council.

School Governor: The school is unhappy with the Wilts and Dorset service bus executing a three point turn outside the school in Common Road every day. This manouevre is also detrimental to the surface of the Hop Gardens. It was agreed we should ask the bus company to find an alternative route.

Memorial Ground: The ground has now been levelled at a much lower cost than estimated, thanks to a Councillor donating his time and machine. After being left to settle for a month or two, seeding will take place.


SDC are offering grants of up to £150 for home insulation to people over 60 and those in receipt of some benefits. Call EAGA on 0800 072 0606



Everybody involved or interested in sport in the Village should attend a meeting in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on 13th April, when the provision of replacement facilities
will be discussed and debated.


Next Meeting

Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 13th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact the undersigned or any Parish Councillor whose details are here

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