Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Village Hall on 18th May 2000


Election of Officers All officers were re-elected as for last year: Trevor King, Chairman, and Roly Chalk, Vice-Chairman.

Parish Council Representatives:

School Governor: Trevor King

Village Hall: Peter Green, Lorraine Morrish

Memorial Ground: Roy Billett, Roly Chalk, Harold Beauchamp, Lorraine Morrish

Foundation Trust: Peter Green, Trevor King

Committee Members:

Environment (including New Forest Heritage Area Representative):

Colin Bray, Anne Galvin, Ian O'Neill, Malcolm Simmons

Planning: Harold Beauchamp, Roy Billett, John LeQuesne, Lorraine Morrish

Right of Way/Transport: Colin Bray, Malcolm Simmons

Finance: Peter Green, John LeQuesne, Ian O'Neill

Publicity: Peter Green

Police Representative: John LeQuesne

BKG Trailers The Chief Enforcement Officer has reported that it is difficult to prove that the old milk depot has been "abandoned" and so to stop BKG trailers parking there. The Chairman will have further talks with the Chief Enforcement Officer on this matter. There is no permission for BKG trailers to park in the entrance to the BKG site; this is to be monitored and discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

Pedestrian Safety The Chairman and County Councillor to ensure that buff surface and broad white lines either side of the narrowest part of The Street are funded by WCC.

Condition of Roads Following discussion on the poor condition of Clay Street, the Parish Council is to ask WCC for a costing for having this road surfaced.

Speed Limits The County Councillor reported that WCC are to have talks with the Parish Council regarding the imposition of a speed limit on the A27 from the present limit to the County boundary.

Best Kept Village Five tubs will be in place by the end of June.

Parish Clerk The Chairman thanked Paula Horton, the retiring Parish Clerk, for all her hard work over the last ten years, and welcomed her replacement, Anita Boakes. He requested that all mail and clerical queries should be passed to Anita at The Gatehouse, The Street, Whiteparish, SP5 2SG; Tel. No. 884646 - but please, as far as possible, restrict calls to weekdays before 10 pm. Other queries to Trevor King at Alderstone Farm Cottage, Dean Lane, Whiteparish, SP5 2RN, tel. 884374, E-mail Please restrict calls to weekdays.

Next Meeting Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 29th June at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman's invitation. Alternatively, if you can't attend but wish to raise any village matter, please any Parish Councillor here



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