Parish Council Notes

The following matters were amongst those discussed at the
Parish Council Meeting in the
Village Hall on 14th September 2000

Matters Arising:
New horse sign still awaited…BKG parking still being investigated…WCC Highways have not yet responded about the request for an extension of the proposed 40 mph speed limit east of the village; they will be chased…Further enquiries to be made about the cost of resurfacing Clay Street/Hop Gardens…A publication about the safe transport of fireworks is being obtained from the Health & Safety Executive.

Skateboard Park:
Work is progressing on getting quotations for the equipment needed. A question has arisen as to the legality of siting such a facility on the newly-purchased piece of ground; legal advice is to be sought.

Councillors agreed that the tubs of flowers outside the shop had been very good and it was decided to write to Graham Webb to thank him for watering and feeding them. A councillor had attended recently the Waste Local Plan Forum in Chippenham and reported on a recycling pilot scheme run by Bath and North East Somerset authority. The stile on the junction of footpaths 6 and 7 behind The Bramleys is to be fixed. Footpath 6 goes through the garden of Lion Cottages but needs to be cleared in places between Common Road and the A36. As an adverse comment about the village noticeboard at the bus stop had been made in the Best Kept Village competition, it was agreed to arrange for out of date notices to be removed regularly. WCC Highways are to be requested to fill the grit bin in Highlands Way ready for the winter.

Objections will be made to the proposed installation of a new 35-metre tower for NTL off the lane leading to Deanhill Farm, West Dean. The Parish Council has been invited to send a representative to speak at a site meeting at the Biffa site on the A36 on 25th September. A councillor will attend and put forward the objections to the proposed recycling facility which includes a mobile concrete crusher; there will be an example of the crusher on site at the meeting to demonstrate its operation. Councillors did not agree to support the building of four new houses on land next to The Bramleys – this land is outside the Housing Policy Boundary and in the New Forest Heritage area.

School Governor:
Mrs. Anne Galvin has kindly taken on this role. She had attended her first meeting and has become a member of two subcommittees. She will be taking a training course in October.

Village Hall:
The quotation received for the interior decoration of the hall was too expensive; further quotes are being sought.

Next Meeting:
Villagers are very welcome to attend the next meeting on 2nd November at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall, where they will be able to speak on any matter that concerns them at the Chairman’s invitation. Alternatively, if you can’t attend but wish to raise any village matter, please contact the Parish Clerk, Anita Boakes, to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Tel. 884646, E-mail D&, address The Gatehouse, The Street, Whiteparish. SP5 2SG.

ANITA BOAKES (Peter Green is away)

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